First-Gen Longhorns

Dr. Jennifer Graber, wearing white, backdrop of brickwork.

Meet Jennifer Graber, Ph.D.

July 27, 2024,

Dr. Graber is the Gwyn Shive, Anita Nordan Lindsay, and Joe and Cherry Gray Professor of Religious Studies and the associate director of the Native American and Indigenous Studies Department. She provides her valuable perspective on the first-generation experience as a faculty member.

What is your first-gen super power? 
Facing down imposter syndrome every time! 

How has being first-gen followed you after graduating from college? 
Imposter syndrome is real and has followed me even after earning a Ph.D. and landing a really good job. It’s sometimes hard to remember that you’ve done all the things others have done — and perhaps more — to get to the place you are.

What advice would you give current First-Gen Longhorns? 
Talk to other first-gen folks. They can answer questions you might be otherwise afraid to ask. They can commiserate with the feelings of bewilderment that come with being new to university life.   

First Gen Stories